septic tank repair

Should I Repair or Replace My Septic Tank?

Trust Stanley’s Septic & Construction for Repairs and Replacement

If you are weighing the question, “Should I repair or replace my septic tank?” Stanley’s Septic & Construction offers a few answers. Septic tanks need routine maintenance to maximize their lifespans. There are times, however, when they may need some repairs or even replacement. Let’s take a closer look at what you should consider before making this decision.


Eventually, Everything Breaks Down Over Time

Consider the age of your septic tank. Traditionally, septic tanks can last 20 to 30 years. This depends on the construction materials and frequency of maintenance. Check for signs that your system has outlived its usefulness before deciding on repairs. The most cost-effective solution might be replacement.


Does it No Longer Meet Your Needs, or Are Your Future Plans Changing?

You may currently live in a home with a septic tank system, but you may be considering a move. Think about your future plans. If you plan to stay for a while, replacement may be worth it. However, if you plan on selling, repairs may be better. This may save you money before putting the house on the market.


Consider The Damage to the Septic Tank System

Sometimes, repairs do not offer you a long-term solution. If there is a small amount of damage, repairs may be worthwhile, including fixing cracks or leaks. However, if it’s falling apart, you need replacement. In the case of a collapsed tank or severe corrosion, replacement may be your only viable option. Stanley’s Septic & Construction can determine the extent of the damage.


Carefully Consider Each Option Before Making a Decision

Homeowners have a variety of issues to consider when deciding between septic tank repairs or replacement. Contact Stanley’s Septic & Construction when you need to make this decision. Our septic tank specialists have the experience and expertise to handle any number of problems. Contact us today to learn more.


For professional septic services, call Stanley’s Septic & Construction today at (207) 453-9819. Follow us on Facebook for more great information. We are ready to help you answer the question, “Should I repair or replace my septic tank?’